

class logio.logplot.PlotWell(dataset, depth, name_of_well=<class 'str'>, depth_range=<class 'tuple'>, logs=<class 'list'>)[source]
__init__(dataset, depth, name_of_well=<class 'str'>, depth_range=<class 'tuple'>, logs=<class 'list'>)[source]

Visualize well logs

:param : :type : param dataset: Well log data (DataFrame Object) :param : :type : param depth: Information about the Depth at which log readings were taken. (DataFrame) :param : :type : param name_of_well: Name of Well. (str) :param : :type : param depth_range: A user specified tuple. This refers to the range of depth within which user intend to visualize. (Tuple) :param : :type : param logs: A list of logs required to plot. The list must contain strings only. (list)


Base function/method for visualization


Display well